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7 Unlikely Books I Think Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read

7 Unlikely Books I Think Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read

January 06, 20241 min read

The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne - The book that completely changed my life and me as a person when I was 16!

Little Stories of Your Life, by Laura Pashby - Such a beautiful book about creativity, capturing your life and practicing mindfulness.

Walk Yourself Happy, by Julia Bradbury - Not a business book, but a book everyone should read nonetheless. Our businesses and those around us will only benefit when we prioritise our mental and physical health.

You Are Not A Before Picture, by Alex Light - Another non-business book but a book I think every WOMAN should have in their lives! 

Get Rich Lucky Bitch, by Denise Duffield Thomas - For all your money mindset blocks and struggles!

Enough, by Jessica Rose Williams - A moving book about having enough and being enough. How to make more intentional choices and remove the things from our lives that don’t serve us. The clearer our minds and lives, the better business owners we can be.

✨ The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron - I’m reading this at the moment and it’s life changing!! If you are a creative business owner, if you WANT to be more creative, if you struggle to create in any way... you MUST read this book and apply it’s lessons. I just know that this book is going to change 2024 (and beyond) for me!

I LOVE a personal development book. And I’d really love your recommendations. What’s the most life changing book you’ve read? 

Whether it’s business related, mindset related, health related... Let’s collect a list of gorgeous books for women who want to improve and grow, in the comments.

S. x

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Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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7 Unlikely Books I Think Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read

7 Unlikely Books I Think Every Female Entrepreneur Should Read

January 06, 20241 min read

The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne - The book that completely changed my life and me as a person when I was 16!

Little Stories of Your Life, by Laura Pashby - Such a beautiful book about creativity, capturing your life and practicing mindfulness.

Walk Yourself Happy, by Julia Bradbury - Not a business book, but a book everyone should read nonetheless. Our businesses and those around us will only benefit when we prioritise our mental and physical health.

You Are Not A Before Picture, by Alex Light - Another non-business book but a book I think every WOMAN should have in their lives! 

Get Rich Lucky Bitch, by Denise Duffield Thomas - For all your money mindset blocks and struggles!

Enough, by Jessica Rose Williams - A moving book about having enough and being enough. How to make more intentional choices and remove the things from our lives that don’t serve us. The clearer our minds and lives, the better business owners we can be.

✨ The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron - I’m reading this at the moment and it’s life changing!! If you are a creative business owner, if you WANT to be more creative, if you struggle to create in any way... you MUST read this book and apply it’s lessons. I just know that this book is going to change 2024 (and beyond) for me!

I LOVE a personal development book. And I’d really love your recommendations. What’s the most life changing book you’ve read? 

Whether it’s business related, mindset related, health related... Let’s collect a list of gorgeous books for women who want to improve and grow, in the comments.

S. x

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Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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