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I Thought I Was Building A Flexible Business

I Thought I Was Building A Flexible Business

February 22, 20242 min read

I thought I was building a flexible business that would work around having kids...

Spoiler alert: I was wrong!!

I’d created a monster! 😔

When I was a photographer I was working 6-7 days a week, living and breathing my business every waking second (because I genuinely loved it!) and it wasn’t until my kids came along that I realised I’d created a monster that needed feeding constantly.

I felt like I had to post constantly, create constantly, serve clients constantly and do admin... constantly. 😵‍💫

There was no time for living. And certainly no work-life balance!
Kids or no kids... that’s NOT ideal! 👎🏻

When I pivoted my entire business from photography to coaching (about a month before I had my second baby - hey, I never said I was smart!) I realised that I wasn’t alone.

The majority of women running businesses are time poor! ⏳

Most of us DON’T want big teams, punishing schedules, overwhelming posting schedules and a big ol’ business ball and chain.

❤️ We want to do something we’re passionate about, make a positive impact on the world, but also show up for the school run, walk the dog when the sun is shining and make a great income while we’re doing it!

👉🏻 So I started automating things - I created funnels, schedules, processes, boundaries & templates.
I started creating a business that allowed me to take my foot off the gas and my finger off the pulse, but continue making sales.

😃 Now I work less than 20 hrs a week on a busy week!

Through coaching women in business, I’ve found a community who want to work smarter, not harder. 🙌🏻

Who have big goals. Want the freedom to earn an income while baking cookies with their kids. Or riding their horse. Or going for brunch with their girlfriends. Or just being wholly present in their lives!

It’s NOT too much to ask!! 🥳 (Even as a photographer - I WISH I’d known this then!)

Building a LOW PRESSURE, HIGH IMPACT business requires intention, conscious planning, automation and strategy.

Which all sounds super unsexy. 🙈

But the invaluable benefits on our mental health, our relationships, our wellbeing and our bottom line, are worth every unsexy moment!

So I’ve created a free resource to help you do this!! 👇🏻

🗣️ If you want a copy CLICK HERE and grab one!!

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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I Thought I Was Building A Flexible Business

I Thought I Was Building A Flexible Business

February 22, 20242 min read

I thought I was building a flexible business that would work around having kids...

Spoiler alert: I was wrong!!

I’d created a monster! 😔

When I was a photographer I was working 6-7 days a week, living and breathing my business every waking second (because I genuinely loved it!) and it wasn’t until my kids came along that I realised I’d created a monster that needed feeding constantly.

I felt like I had to post constantly, create constantly, serve clients constantly and do admin... constantly. 😵‍💫

There was no time for living. And certainly no work-life balance!
Kids or no kids... that’s NOT ideal! 👎🏻

When I pivoted my entire business from photography to coaching (about a month before I had my second baby - hey, I never said I was smart!) I realised that I wasn’t alone.

The majority of women running businesses are time poor! ⏳

Most of us DON’T want big teams, punishing schedules, overwhelming posting schedules and a big ol’ business ball and chain.

❤️ We want to do something we’re passionate about, make a positive impact on the world, but also show up for the school run, walk the dog when the sun is shining and make a great income while we’re doing it!

👉🏻 So I started automating things - I created funnels, schedules, processes, boundaries & templates.
I started creating a business that allowed me to take my foot off the gas and my finger off the pulse, but continue making sales.

😃 Now I work less than 20 hrs a week on a busy week!

Through coaching women in business, I’ve found a community who want to work smarter, not harder. 🙌🏻

Who have big goals. Want the freedom to earn an income while baking cookies with their kids. Or riding their horse. Or going for brunch with their girlfriends. Or just being wholly present in their lives!

It’s NOT too much to ask!! 🥳 (Even as a photographer - I WISH I’d known this then!)

Building a LOW PRESSURE, HIGH IMPACT business requires intention, conscious planning, automation and strategy.

Which all sounds super unsexy. 🙈

But the invaluable benefits on our mental health, our relationships, our wellbeing and our bottom line, are worth every unsexy moment!

So I’ve created a free resource to help you do this!! 👇🏻

🗣️ If you want a copy CLICK HERE and grab one!!

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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