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Goodbye ‘Willow Barn’

Goodbye ‘Willow Barn’

June 22, 20232 min read

Goodbye ‘Willow Barn’… 🏡💔

But for you to understand what that means, you need to understand what this house meant to us.

Our parents bought a derelict barn in the middle of a field 21 years ago. They converted it and created our dream home.

How can we possibly explain that this is so much more than just a house?

This house has a heartbeat. It’s loved, lived in, welcoming, beautiful, safe and a huge part of our family.

It’s seen us through school, welcome our partners, move out, come back again, have kids and even had a wedding in the garden!

This house has been home to 7 humans, 5 dogs, 2 cats and 3 horses. And only us. Before us it was just hay…

So to think someone else will live there is strange. But we hope they feel how much love this home has held. How many happy memories. How many dreams. How many stories it has to tell. We hope they love it as much as we do.

Willow Barn. Thank you for giving us a bolt hole. Roots. A port in every storm. A place to always return to.

But really… a house doesn’t do that on its own. It’s the people inside it that create that kind of magic and stability. So I guess what we really wanted to say is…

Mum and Dad. Thank you for all of the above. Thank you for creating such a special family home.

We will miss it. We will be sad. We will never forget it. But we will always have the security, the closeness and the warmth that YOU created for us, within its wall.

That isn’t for sale. It can’t be valued. It’s ours for keeps.

Because truly, a house is just a vessel. Willow Barn didn’t provide all of that.

It was you two all along!!! ❤️

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Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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Goodbye ‘Willow Barn’

Goodbye ‘Willow Barn’

June 22, 20232 min read

Goodbye ‘Willow Barn’… 🏡💔

But for you to understand what that means, you need to understand what this house meant to us.

Our parents bought a derelict barn in the middle of a field 21 years ago. They converted it and created our dream home.

How can we possibly explain that this is so much more than just a house?

This house has a heartbeat. It’s loved, lived in, welcoming, beautiful, safe and a huge part of our family.

It’s seen us through school, welcome our partners, move out, come back again, have kids and even had a wedding in the garden!

This house has been home to 7 humans, 5 dogs, 2 cats and 3 horses. And only us. Before us it was just hay…

So to think someone else will live there is strange. But we hope they feel how much love this home has held. How many happy memories. How many dreams. How many stories it has to tell. We hope they love it as much as we do.

Willow Barn. Thank you for giving us a bolt hole. Roots. A port in every storm. A place to always return to.

But really… a house doesn’t do that on its own. It’s the people inside it that create that kind of magic and stability. So I guess what we really wanted to say is…

Mum and Dad. Thank you for all of the above. Thank you for creating such a special family home.

We will miss it. We will be sad. We will never forget it. But we will always have the security, the closeness and the warmth that YOU created for us, within its wall.

That isn’t for sale. It can’t be valued. It’s ours for keeps.

Because truly, a house is just a vessel. Willow Barn didn’t provide all of that.

It was you two all along!!! ❤️

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Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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