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Sophie Callahan social media coach

How I Got Confident Showing Up Online - After Year's Of Avoiding The Camera

February 08, 20242 min read

Are you making this huge mistake when it comes to creating content for your business?

I get it. Being on camera and showing up online is terrifying!
It makes you feel vulnerable and exposed and awkward.

I know. Because I’ve been there!! I used to hate it too! I avoided the camera like the plague for years!

But eventually I got over my fear, I vlogged every week for 3 years and now I show up live for my members every single fortnight and host multiple live webinars a year! (The me of 5 years ago would NEVER have believed it!!)

So how did I get over 'The Fear'?

I stopped making it about ME!

I realised that my audience didn’t care if I had my makeup done.
Or what I was wearing.
Or if I looked tired or spotty or was having a bad hair day!!

In the nicest possible way, no one cares!!

And that's actually really freeing... because it gives us space to show up as our imperfect selves and to learn and grow as we go.

Sophie Callahan social media coach

Your community care about the value you can bring to their day and their lives.

Imagine your business idol was supposed to be showing up for a masterclass and they sent out an email to say ‘Sorry guys, I look like crap and just didn’t want to be on camera today…’ 

Wait whaaaat?!!

You’d be left thinking ‘What on earth? I don’t give a crap what you LOOK like, I really needed your help!

They’d be doing their community a disservice by making it more about them and less about their audience, even though they knew they could have taught you something game changing, IF they’d shown up.

And YOU have value to add to people’s lives too!

Your audience want to hear what YOU have to tell them! They wouldn't have followed you if they didn't.

(Think about it... You don't follow someone and think 'Welp, heres hoping I never see this person's content in my timeline again!')

So whether it’s in your Instagram stories, on your grid, on a Facebook live, on your next brand photoshoot or on an online webinar.. it's about the people you serve!!

And I promise you, the more you DO step outside of your comfort zone and get on camera, the easier it will get.

And next time you worry about showing up online, and you worry that you don’t look the part - and I say this with nothing but love - Get over yourself!!

Stop making it about YOU and make it about your community.

I hope this helps!

All my love,

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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Sophie Callahan social media coach

How I Got Confident Showing Up Online - After Year's Of Avoiding The Camera

February 08, 20242 min read

Are you making this huge mistake when it comes to creating content for your business?

I get it. Being on camera and showing up online is terrifying!
It makes you feel vulnerable and exposed and awkward.

I know. Because I’ve been there!! I used to hate it too! I avoided the camera like the plague for years!

But eventually I got over my fear, I vlogged every week for 3 years and now I show up live for my members every single fortnight and host multiple live webinars a year! (The me of 5 years ago would NEVER have believed it!!)

So how did I get over 'The Fear'?

I stopped making it about ME!

I realised that my audience didn’t care if I had my makeup done.
Or what I was wearing.
Or if I looked tired or spotty or was having a bad hair day!!

In the nicest possible way, no one cares!!

And that's actually really freeing... because it gives us space to show up as our imperfect selves and to learn and grow as we go.

Sophie Callahan social media coach

Your community care about the value you can bring to their day and their lives.

Imagine your business idol was supposed to be showing up for a masterclass and they sent out an email to say ‘Sorry guys, I look like crap and just didn’t want to be on camera today…’ 

Wait whaaaat?!!

You’d be left thinking ‘What on earth? I don’t give a crap what you LOOK like, I really needed your help!

They’d be doing their community a disservice by making it more about them and less about their audience, even though they knew they could have taught you something game changing, IF they’d shown up.

And YOU have value to add to people’s lives too!

Your audience want to hear what YOU have to tell them! They wouldn't have followed you if they didn't.

(Think about it... You don't follow someone and think 'Welp, heres hoping I never see this person's content in my timeline again!')

So whether it’s in your Instagram stories, on your grid, on a Facebook live, on your next brand photoshoot or on an online webinar.. it's about the people you serve!!

And I promise you, the more you DO step outside of your comfort zone and get on camera, the easier it will get.

And next time you worry about showing up online, and you worry that you don’t look the part - and I say this with nothing but love - Get over yourself!!

Stop making it about YOU and make it about your community.

I hope this helps!

All my love,

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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