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Strugging with low IG reach? Change these 4 things...

Strugging with low IG reach? Change these 4 things...

March 14, 20241 min read

I have clients with under 200 followers, reaching 6k on Instagram, Sophie

So if you’re struggling with low reach, this is what you need to change… 👇

These accounts are brand new and completely unestablished. And they’re reaching over 6k Instagram users.

If they can do it, so can you. Here’s how...

1️⃣ Identify the very specific challenges your ideal customers are facing & create content that addresses those challenges.

2️⃣ Use a mixture of reels, carousels, static images and stories, to leverage the different algorithms and appeal to different users.

3️⃣ Build a personal brand...
Be the face of your brand
Tell your own story
Create documentary style reels of your life
Share your own lived experiences and explain why these are relevant to your audience/the way you run your business
Show your followers that you embody your brand values/messaging and show them how you walk the walk

4️⃣ Show up consistently!

Success doesn’t come from something you do occasionally, you have to show up consistently. That doesn’t necessarily mean every day, but it does mean creating a sustainable schedule and sticking to it!

I hope this helps.

Got questions? Shoot me an email and I'll get back to you asap!

All my love,

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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Strugging with low IG reach? Change these 4 things...

Strugging with low IG reach? Change these 4 things...

March 14, 20241 min read

I have clients with under 200 followers, reaching 6k on Instagram, Sophie

So if you’re struggling with low reach, this is what you need to change… 👇

These accounts are brand new and completely unestablished. And they’re reaching over 6k Instagram users.

If they can do it, so can you. Here’s how...

1️⃣ Identify the very specific challenges your ideal customers are facing & create content that addresses those challenges.

2️⃣ Use a mixture of reels, carousels, static images and stories, to leverage the different algorithms and appeal to different users.

3️⃣ Build a personal brand...
Be the face of your brand
Tell your own story
Create documentary style reels of your life
Share your own lived experiences and explain why these are relevant to your audience/the way you run your business
Show your followers that you embody your brand values/messaging and show them how you walk the walk

4️⃣ Show up consistently!

Success doesn’t come from something you do occasionally, you have to show up consistently. That doesn’t necessarily mean every day, but it does mean creating a sustainable schedule and sticking to it!

I hope this helps.

Got questions? Shoot me an email and I'll get back to you asap!

All my love,

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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