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Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Follower Numbers!

Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Follower Numbers!

September 03, 20231 min read

Stop obsessing over follower numbers. Serve those who already follow you!

Stop worrying about the numbers.

A small engaged following is far more valuable than a large unengaged following. 💪🏻

And how many followers do you have?
10? 100? 1000?

If you set up a shop or a stall and that amount of people walked in asking for more details, you’d be thrilled!!!

So stop chasing new followers when you have however many fans already waiting to hear what you have to say.

Commit to serving those people who have already taken a chance on you. Those who have said ‘yes, I want to see you on my timeline!’ 👍🏻

Create content for them.

Don’t waste all of your energy trying to attract new followers, but focus on creating loyal, loving customers out of your existing audience.

They’ve pretty much put their hands up and said ‘I’m interested, tell me more!’ 🙋🏼‍♀️

And by creating quality content for them, you know what’ll happen?

You’ll inevitably attract more people! 🙌🏻

So the secret to growing your audience? Stop obsessing over growing your audience!! 🤯

Just nurture the community you already have. 🥰

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Follower Numbers!

Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Follower Numbers!

September 03, 20231 min read

Stop obsessing over follower numbers. Serve those who already follow you!

Stop worrying about the numbers.

A small engaged following is far more valuable than a large unengaged following. 💪🏻

And how many followers do you have?
10? 100? 1000?

If you set up a shop or a stall and that amount of people walked in asking for more details, you’d be thrilled!!!

So stop chasing new followers when you have however many fans already waiting to hear what you have to say.

Commit to serving those people who have already taken a chance on you. Those who have said ‘yes, I want to see you on my timeline!’ 👍🏻

Create content for them.

Don’t waste all of your energy trying to attract new followers, but focus on creating loyal, loving customers out of your existing audience.

They’ve pretty much put their hands up and said ‘I’m interested, tell me more!’ 🙋🏼‍♀️

And by creating quality content for them, you know what’ll happen?

You’ll inevitably attract more people! 🙌🏻

So the secret to growing your audience? Stop obsessing over growing your audience!! 🤯

Just nurture the community you already have. 🥰

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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