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11 Self-Care Tips For A Self Employed Small Business Owner

11 Self-Care Tips For A Self Employed Small Business Owner

September 18, 20231 min read

Being self employed can be challenging. We often work every spare hour, take on too much, wear all the hats and forget to rest.

Typically if we don’t do one of the tasks in our business, it doesn’t get done and we don’t get paid.

But we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, too!

Self care for the self employed looks like…

❤️ Regularly scheduling time away from work

❤️ Unfollowing social media accounts that give you anxiety or make you feel anything less than inspired

❤️ Keeping things in perspective so they don’t take over

❤️ Not over committing and knowing your limits

❤️ Investing in help when you need it

❤️ Prioritising your mental and physical health above all else

❤️ Celebrating every tiny win and recognising your value

❤️ Setting a pricing structure that doesn’t leave you mentally, physically and financially stretched at the end of each month

❤️ Deciding what success looks like for you

❤️ Knowing you are enough as you are, even as you strive for more

❤️ Joining a supportive community with the resources to help you save time & energy

Take care of yourself before you take care of your clients.

It will only allow you to serve them better AND build a business that doesn’t negatively impact any area of your life.

Everyone’s a winner! 🙌🏻

All my love,

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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11 Self-Care Tips For A Self Employed Small Business Owner

11 Self-Care Tips For A Self Employed Small Business Owner

September 18, 20231 min read

Being self employed can be challenging. We often work every spare hour, take on too much, wear all the hats and forget to rest.

Typically if we don’t do one of the tasks in our business, it doesn’t get done and we don’t get paid.

But we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, too!

Self care for the self employed looks like…

❤️ Regularly scheduling time away from work

❤️ Unfollowing social media accounts that give you anxiety or make you feel anything less than inspired

❤️ Keeping things in perspective so they don’t take over

❤️ Not over committing and knowing your limits

❤️ Investing in help when you need it

❤️ Prioritising your mental and physical health above all else

❤️ Celebrating every tiny win and recognising your value

❤️ Setting a pricing structure that doesn’t leave you mentally, physically and financially stretched at the end of each month

❤️ Deciding what success looks like for you

❤️ Knowing you are enough as you are, even as you strive for more

❤️ Joining a supportive community with the resources to help you save time & energy

Take care of yourself before you take care of your clients.

It will only allow you to serve them better AND build a business that doesn’t negatively impact any area of your life.

Everyone’s a winner! 🙌🏻

All my love,

S. x

blog author image

Sophie Callahan

Taking the stress out of social media for women running small, British businesses. Marketing & mindset coach for female entrepreneurs in the UK.

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